30/08/2022 Tuesday Cruiseday. A new study is out to discover what turns people off and on when it comes to getting behind the wheel. https://www.stuff.co.nz/.../study-finds-bmw-drivers-are-icky Note: Autoport.nz is an equal opportunities car vendor who doesn't mind which car you drive! Study finds BMW drivers are 'icky' A new study from the UK has found that a BMW is the top brand for vehicle-related turn-offs. Scrap Car Comparison talked to 2000 people to discover what turns them off and on when it comes to getting behind the wheel. BMW came out as the car brand that puts people off a potential partner the most, followed by Fiats and Skodas, while Mercedes proved the biggest turn-on. According to the study, 8% find the brand has stereotypes of dangerous and selfish driving, a turn-off. Fiat, Skoda and Smart all followed on 7%, while Audi, another German manufacturer stereotypically seen to be favoured by aggressive drivers, also featured in the top 10. Meanwhil...