
Tuesday Cruiseday.

A new study is out to discover what turns people off and on when it comes to getting behind the wheel.


Note: Autoport.nz is an equal opportunities car vendor who doesn't mind which car you drive!

Study finds BMW drivers are 'icky'

A new study from the UK has found that a BMW is the top brand for vehicle-related turn-offs.

Scrap Car Comparison talked to 2000 people to discover what turns them off and on when it comes to getting behind the wheel.

BMW came out as the car brand that puts people off a potential partner the most, followed by Fiats and Skodas, while Mercedes proved the biggest turn-on.

According to the study, 8% find the brand has stereotypes of dangerous and selfish driving, a turn-off. Fiat, Skoda and Smart all followed on 7%, while Audi, another German manufacturer stereotypically seen to be favoured by aggressive drivers, also featured in the top 10.

Meanwhile, Mercedes-Benz beat out Porsche and Lamborghini to take the crown as the car brand that is the biggest turn-on, with 14% finding a partner with a Mercedes in their garage more attractive.

On the subject of turn-ons, someone flashing their headlights to say thank you to another road user was revealed as the behaviour that people find most attractive while out on the roads with a current or potential partner, with 15% admitting that they find it a turn-on. Although it’s recommended to raise a hand rather than flash headlights to say thanks, it just goes to show that manners can go a long way!

Being green has its perks in love too, as 11% consider electric car owners attractive, while singing while driving was a turn-on for one in ten of respondents.

On the flipside, drink-driving was the number one turn-off with 45% of people putting it above anything else. Should probably be a higher percentage, but that’s for a different day.

Next was dangerous driving (42%) followed by using their phone while driving (38%).

There are some odd parts of the results though. The survey said it's sexy to drive with a hand on the other person's lap, then it says it's also a turn-on to drive with both hands on the wheel... And driving at the speed limit is hotter than overtaking slower vehicles.

So you should be driving while slapping the passengers leg every now and again before quickly holding the wheel with both hands and overtaking slow drivers but only at the speed limit in your automatic car, because that’s apparently more attractive than a manual.

#AUTOPORT #onlinecarbuying #bmwowners #audiowners #mercedesowners #fiatowners #skodaowners #smartowners #porscheowners #lamborginiowners


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